Sunday, January 7, 2007 - Pulau Ubin Trip :

Morning woke at ard 6 plus.. caught a bus to clementi and met yihong.. lol.. then it was all the way mp3 till tanah merah.. haha...

when i reach tanah merah saw 2 of my sailing friends.. bing hui and other girl.. forgot her name haha... oh well bad memory... then it was all the way taking bus 2 to changi village for meeting.. haha...

the uncle on the bus was off schedule.. so he pia the way there.. said he will press more on the accelator.. haha... then all the way when reached there had a subway breakfast.. so full sia haha... cause me 7 bucks.. we met a guy there also who was going for deep sea fishing.. but well.. he said ubin was boring.. and it really was..

when we arrived at the market, no one there, waited for a while before the rest come.. they had a breakfast while we ordered lunch.. and bao xuan doesnt look like bao wei.. haha.. i think fake lar.. dunno lol.. then got 4 girls also joined us for the trip.

Headed over for the jetty, and took a bumboat ride over to ubin. that time didnt take any photos till i reach the jetty. saw a cat there and it carass boh wei and his bro.. lol.. funny sia.. and the cat followed them.. haha... when all of them reached, we rented bikes (really cheap for ok bikes.. like 3 dollars with suspension and shimano gears.. auto) and we cycled over to a bball court ( no hoops though.. like broke already) before going over to a bridge.. (used to be flood gates but not in used) and started fishing.

by that time.. one guy already caught a fish but threw it back.. we only keep some fish.. me and yihong was setting up the rods as they teach us how to.. lol.. then set some of the rods for the girls.. i think i did.. or teach them how to etc.. or did i? lol.. and started fishing.. lol.. my bait was a prawn flesh.. the fish pro.. eat but nver got hooked.. so always i give them free food.. then yihong nearly caught a crab but failed.. all the time waited for nth.. till i went cycling with boh wei and his bro.. haha.. cycle to a slope down... at high speed to up to 40-50km/h.. then got corner.. wanna drift.. drifted... next moment.. out of control!!! darn it.. lol.. and i flew.. scratched my specs and my hands.. but overall ok.. haha...

came back.. took lunch.. bandage myself (junming is a good first aider haha) and fish a lil.. lol.. later went over to somewhere buy some drink.. (owe yihong 2.60) lol.. cause subway breakfast made me broke.. haha... and chat with the girls.. lo.l.. end of trip was like 4...

then later took a boat back.. all tired.. weary.. i lazy to type also..

but these are what we caught.. though i nver add in those we release.. like puffer fish, sting ray and cat fish.. kuku fish also


haha.. duno can take a look anot but just see.. haha.. ok gtg WOW cant blogmore.. bye...

gtsfrost blogged at Sunday, January 07, 2007

The Frozen Life
Feb 7
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