Wednesday, April 18, 2007 - CNC 3 > WOW > WORK :

Lol been a long time since i posted.. well lately just been working hard.. not really that hard.. haha.. just hanging ard office doing my stuffs.. finally sch start can go back.. wonder what to wear on friday.. cause lazy wear collar shirt...

well lately just got a new pair of shoes.. adidas XD.. haha.. very tempted to buy CNC 3 lehz.. but dunno shld get or not.. like boring but.. yet fun.. yet tempting.. see how lor.. too bad today no raid.. i very sian liao.. no raid.. lol.. and still need get my LW up to 375 for epics..

thanks jon for the dominoo - my hero.. original version.. its nice.. haha.. and remind me of someone =X a girl.. dont say who.. haha.. too bad not interested in her...... haha.. interested in someone else but.. dunno got chance or not..

heck with relationship now.. must study harder.. earn more money (for what? ) la..

family having problems.. dun wanna say.. make me more stres.. well finally tml is do the audit check list.. going die from it liao le.. lol.. a few times i wish car bang.. really these few days easily tired.. like now so early i wanna slp liao.. =.=

oh ya.. wonder where i can get beforu albums.. maybe free i go HMV order.. lol.. beforu sakaya minami still as cute as ever!! haha.. too bad min-ah left jewerly and wang xin ling lately no albums..

craze for jap songs now.. less of techno.. lol..

CNC 3 ar.. rules.. =.=.. i am bored.

gtsfrost blogged at Wednesday, April 18, 2007

The Frozen Life
Feb 7
My Life

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  • Frozen Scratch

    Yesterday's Light
    I think its quite true
    Should i go see a doc?
    this time, i am going mad
    Friday!! next week good friday le..
    lol another day
    Horoscope VS work?
    life is getting.. funnier each day.. thought my ey...
    Time to step down

    Ancient Scrolls
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