Sunday, July 1, 2007 - late day :

woke up late, reach the workshop late, went to kbox, sing like siao, and then buy a pair of sticks.

ah today overall, what would i say, boring? no. actually its tiring. piss off in the morning, woke up late i know its my fault, but there is not even a single blardy taxi at all.. like i call and call.. no blardy use. 7 mins of waiting to get through the line, no taxi. fuck them. bus is way better.

i manage to reach the workshop by 12.40, but he extend lesson to 1.45 sia. haha. so overall still got learn, and test out the set but i aint comfortable with it. too scared.

next went over met dennis, dionne, shuling and sheng xuan for kbox session. lol chong yi never came. fun sia till like 7, there sing sing sing.. and sing. lol.. eat our dinner, i never had lunch and breakfast, so eat there, i chiong down a soba set and later another omlette set. nice sia. haha. finally went to PS, visit music shop, got my drum sticks and came back home. NEARLY overslpt the bus stop.

but really lately, i am feeling worse and worse, not being myself, full of worries, not becos of work or game. i'll guess that its actually love? hmm love? what love? ><

ah.. help me out someone, either kill me or let me be with her till i die. i really dont want to make mistakes. i aint perfect, and i never was. though i seem to like excel in a lot of stuffs, i dont. i just want to balance out all my stuffs well, guess overall i am still more incline to gaming side.

oh ya
friday was good. lol. astro was fun except no night ob due to weather. hopefully coming friday will be a good clear sky again, and thus can see more stuffs. looking forward to messing trip, must renew passport, and save money to go, see the milkyway.

my wish, she and me under the sky with the milkyway, and we would share a romantic experience tgt. lol. = i dream too much. but if i believe, dreams can become real.

time to go to bed~~ ah.. lol.. techno is nice.

gtsfrost blogged at Sunday, July 01, 2007

The Frozen Life
Feb 7
My Life

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  • Kar Seng / SPRCD

  • Frozen Scratch

    Yesterday's Light
    Why am i late for work today?
    109, 100% to go
    Hubble Ultra Deep Field
    What's Your Thinking Style?
    i shld drive
    hidden talent
    blue hair. exactly what i have in mind
    extro or intro?

    Ancient Scrolls
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