Monday, April 14, 2008 - another day, a day shorter in my lifespan :

8am already in sch eating breakfast with miku hatsune =X ok she's aint real. i just imagine her out.

ah well manage to go over to convention centre and help set up the booth for my club. a bit hectic cause it was the first day, so wondering if tml would be better.

got manage to grab a few ppl in those who are interested, but sadly no girls. dam.

clement broke his trf... my car's alright but need tuning. man.. there are lots of parts i wanna get and i wonder what yuanhe say is right anot. yokomo to drift.

hmm to me, since yoke give me so much problem, i dont really trust it that much le. though its not only me but other ppl also. ah well maybe i just more suay.

what to do? somethings in life cant be controlled.

met sarah, for the first time in 4 years.. haha. know her since when she was sec 1. ok thats 5 years.

long time~

and vic again was jealous that i know another girl.. eh but i know her for some time liao..

though she gave me a first impression: she's shorter than what i imagine her to be.

continue on with my ta05 would be.. bling! ok not really.

was thinking of getting a front one way, an alu motor mount, rz or tz motor, change some of the adjusting arms to blue, screws to blue , bling it, but wondering if its worth. to me, bling doesnt always comes first.

things i be getting soon would be 3300 from ben, he selling me at 30 each, quite worth as one is quite new also.

well, 3 packs shld be enuff, i think is more than enuff. GP batts also. trusty and reliable.

may wanna sell off my intellects, never like them anyway.


other than that would be nth much for my RC anymore.

hoping to find a job, to be self sufficient soon in some stuffs i do. well soon must be able to pay hp bills own transports etc. haha. 20 liao must learn how to survive on my own. if anyone asking me to find a GF like my cousins did, maybe not yet. i just dun feel ready. i cant settle down now until i know what am i going to do next. RC is always in my mind, well i really enjoyed it.

nevertheless, i quitting gaming again, cabal bores me out quite fast. 1 mth - 2 mth and i am almost bored of it. grinding etc.

was thinking if shld go watch the formula D. cost 11 bucks only, something that i can afford to pay for. 9am in the morning @ changi coming 27th april

waiting for my pay also, coming friday..

and more nice anime shows.

i realised something. everytime when an anime is about to end i get emo. cause no more to watch.

i really love some of the girls in the anime for their attitude etc. if only can combine those i like then got this real girl in this life that likes me too.. lol..

day dreaming here again.

btw i had 2 flying dreams lately. fun, interesting, but heard got bad side effects. not sure, didnt read it up, but who cares. i dont dream normally.


actually getting tired finally again, tml got ppl coming over changing stuffs in my room, and wondering what really shld i do tml in sch. i am confirm zenging up my car again, resetting some stuffs.

ah well..

life is really..

actually i feel it be better if i got someone with me in a relationship, thus resulting me in being more, well.. least i got a goal in mind.

gtsfrost blogged at Monday, April 14, 2008

The Frozen Life
Feb 7
My Life

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  • Wyman

  • Drifters
  • Soon Jie / TDF
  • Wei Jie / NPRCC
  • Van / NPRCC
  • Kar Seng / SPRCD

  • Frozen Scratch

    Yesterday's Light
    drifting @ woodlands
    hatsune miku, drift
    to be cold, emotionless, and quiet at all times.
    random stuffs, another random day.what next?oh i s...
    ah later popping over at bugis by 2.30, going to b...
    and ppl just have to make it worse
    nobody to turn to. guess i am all alone here.
    no interaction, is one of the best thing that can ...
    i am meant to die. right here, right now. but how?
    from astrology online.

    Ancient Scrolls
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  • for the fate/stay night background
    And those who have come and seen my blog