Thursday, January 11, 2007 - Gundam Battle Royal :

Hands tired, neck suan.. legs.. i dunno lol... after from 4 plus to now playing gundam battle royal, rested only when i bathe and had dinner... haha..

i think i have beaten haiyuan record by overtaking one of the missions he cant complete. it was like so hard.. but i think i got a lucky shot when the beam passes through 2 of the enemy MS. haha.. like it was WOW.. shiok...

the MS i like was the blue gundam with 3 weapons, the hyperion launcher, hyper beam spray gun and the last one is the guang shu pao.. haha... nice lor.. but only can be used in space sadly cause its too heavy for earth usuage. now stuck at behind mission.. 30 mins to complete i think.. survive that long =.= and the gundams are like so.. erm.. LOL..

well... sch fine.. project buzzing... need to complete my IS project ASAP and tml got gearbox to do.. hopefully yihong remembers to bring his paper or else i be like.. UR.. what shld i do? lol

nth much bout romance.. got target dunno hw or what to do either.. haha.. think thats the way i am... just.. let it be.. and settle my stuffs that i think is more important.

most importantly would be getting better results.. and listening more to lessons!!! lol.. distracted by the PSP.. but it adds music to my life. also need to save money for a new com.. self build.. but wonders for the windows XP edition.. use my own home one or? i think if i wanna buy i get a vista ready com.. or custom made vista ready haha... not really sure anyway about these stuffs.. no money no talk.. no lobang cant save money... then end up go courts and buy a pre made by acer or hp =.=

lastly.. just wanna think that.. hey my birthday is coming.. but hopefully it just pass quietly.. haha... cause wishes do not really come true.. its just a psychological thing that makes people think it will come true, but in reality.. it doesnt...

even if it did for some people.. dun think mine will come true anyway... at any place or any time. something that i seek, but it just doesnt seem right.. lol..

oh well.. what can we do anyway...

maybe more gundaming for me? or more WOW? seriously i am starting to get bored of WOW for no reason... like i feel rpg + training is getting me bored.. real bored... games that are played on come bores me... think it might be my psp doing things lol.. but... i also dun really play that much lately anyway....

time i really boost my last bit.. exams coming.. and i ought to be slping.. haha.. soo.. tata...

gtsfrost blogged at Thursday, January 11, 2007

The Frozen Life
Feb 7
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