Saturday, June 9, 2007 - astro overnight, now bbq :

its like now 11.36 am, been slping quite sometime since ytd night.. and woo.. did i tell u i got a nice pic of the moon? yea its excellent.. ok itsn ot.. but nice enough.. haha.. now already packed up and ready to go out already.. except lone is still zzzing on my bed.. lol..

cant really type much.. finger is hurting and brain is tired.. and basically nth much to say also.. haha.. only that i love the astro hide and seek game ytd..

WE ARE THE BEST GROUP we cant be spotted, and can sit down relax and chit chat.. lol..

boring~ i went a bit violent.. protective nature..

oh well.. she is not replying my smses omg what did i do..?? help me.. help me.. before i die..

ok.. haruhi dance today, dig holes, gundam,

OH YA AND FUCK the bank, now i not enough money for my video card.. has to borrow in advance from my uncle.. mon i pay him back the money.. hais.. hais the bank..

gtsfrost blogged at Saturday, June 09, 2007

The Frozen Life
Feb 7
My Life

  • BBG
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  • Irene
  • Serene
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  • Lo Khai
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  • Exgalado
  • Hackie / Sze Yeong
  • ashhao
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  • Jeremy / Lonederer
  • Bryant / Asuna
  • Wyman

  • Drifters
  • Soon Jie / TDF
  • Wei Jie / NPRCC
  • Van / NPRCC
  • Kar Seng / SPRCD

  • Frozen Scratch

    Yesterday's Light
    Long weekend? or a chionging weekend?
    long time since i posted
    CNC 3 > WOW > WORK
    I think its quite true
    Should i go see a doc?
    this time, i am going mad
    Friday!! next week good friday le..
    lol another day

    Ancient Scrolls
  • December 2006
  • January 2007
  • February 2007
  • March 2007
  • April 2007
  • May 2007
  • June 2007
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  • Thanks to:
  • Photobucket

  • for the fate/stay night background
    And those who have come and seen my blog