Monday, August 27, 2007
universal pin universal pin~
pray hard my yokomo works well. going to threadlock every single thing i could.
ok life is boring. now i may need to go for an operation on my ear behind. nth serious just a removal of some tumor sort of stuffs. pretty harmless, except it just may grow. haven attachedt to my skull yet so just do it fast.
life just seems like a boring. or i am just pretty wasting my life away. like there is nth much to do, or whatso ever.
i feel lonely, unsecure, just at my room each day rotting, doing my work, playing games, oh speaking about games, i have grown bored of most of them. maybe shld try out bioshock. hais.
dunno what to say much. pretty much either the world hates me or i hate the whole world or i think the world is hating me which is actually not.
hopefully i seek something meaningful.
gtsfrost blogged at Monday, August 27, 2007