Sunday, July 22, 2007 - SGDrifters :

They were a bunch of friendly people. haha. went down to BB carpark today and saw a group of them. guess that they are the drifters so went over and say hi. a warm welcome though. i know 2 of them well, one is tank one is from NP year 1 MTE. haha.

nice drifts skills they got there. like i learn stuffs from water break to how to drift what shop to get from etc.

basically i learnt water break is about letting the motor to season faster. firstly, connect the sides proper, positive to positive, negative to negative etc. when run in water, basically there is more resistance, thus the motor has to pump in more power right? yes. but as u see, water is a coolant, thus it cools the motor down. when running, run for 5- 10 mins shld be enough. sometime after the run u can add lubricant, to make the engine even more season and run better.

also the shop that i have learnt to get my stuffs from is winnie shop aka at orchard plaza. basically i will be getting either a tt01d or tt01. the difference between both is that the D version is able to mod more, from the oversteer to yaw etc via the screw threading involved. like as tank car has shown that his screw thread was gone, thus the setting is not there, resulting in his car having more oversteer. there were pros there too. the way they drift, i got one word. WOW. basically the long drift they are manage to actually drift all the way through. its like so impressive when i cant even handle the car, driving it properly. lol

anyway i also learnt that the shell, aka the cover protects the chassis from harm. basically it acts as a shock absorber, and also if there is water or slight drizzle it protects the electrical components inside from getting wet. and did i mention that i saw a fan? no no not the normal fan, but instead a computer type laptop fan in the car. to cool down the components. cool, thats like so creative.

now is whether my parents allow or not. my money, but, my dad leg still injured. ah.

nvm must get. i need to learn how to drift, cause its my passion, its in my blood, its all about drifting my life on.

SGDrifters ROCK ON~

now every sat, back to NP, cca. hahaha.

gtsfrost blogged at Sunday, July 22, 2007

The Frozen Life
Feb 7
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    yet another day.
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    late day
    Why am i late for work today?

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