Wednesday, September 26, 2007 - My Confession :

Its my 100th blog post, yeap and so thus there is always a story to tell. Ok I felt I did something stupid today, I don’t know what the rest of you guys think but please after those who read my blog please comment.

And also, I know u will read my blog, after I sms my URL to you, well maybe u can see how I post my post lol.

Ok it started off with me wanting to see secret by jay chou, nice movie. Well I tried to find the dl links but end up I went to crunchyroll and dl the flv file, well quality is not there but basically I want to know the story.

Some spoilers: the story is about a girl call yu I think, she travels into the future and saw jay, and they kinda became a couple. Then soon jay start to see less of her and misses her, and when he realized that yu wasn’t real, or until he got notice of the time machine which is the piano and the score.

I was crying at the end of the movie when they wrote the words on the table in liquid paper. Then again, I stop, before not long it shows jay running back to the time machine before it got destroyed, there I cried again, how romantic. Then it made me realized that, I keep on thinking there is time, there is time, thus made me lost many oppounities to confess to someone I like. Ok. I made up my mind that instant, didn’t even have a proper appeitite to eat my dinner, showered and ran out. I took 2 bus to her house, shocked that she wasn’t at the mac so I called her, realized that she was at home instead.

Quickly, I ran all the way up to her house, realizing that I got the floor wrong. I was at X she was at XX floor. Oh well, then I went up and found her, and we had a walk. The walk was nice, she told me some secrets she had, and so I did, on my bad points that I have in school like not handing in stuffs on time, scoring bad for exams and, to show that I am not a perfect person, hoping that she would accept it.

Not long we walk pass a park and saw candles but we couldn’t find any so didn’t play the candles and lanterns, it be romantic but sadly I cant buy any of those cause no one was selling them any more ><

Oh well continue back to her house, I hinted that I wanted to see her much, very much. She told me why not see my other friend instead, but I just tell her, I want to see her. When at her house level corridor, I show her, and made her imagined the milkyway, the stars, all that I want to show her very much. I couldn’t, cause I don’t have the power to remove the lights from the moon and the blocks. Oh well. Next, I told her, ok. I CONFESSED, after 2 years I kept tight and silent, its finally time, and I confessed to her that I like her, first in Japanese, she doesn’t understand then I told her in English. We didn’t go into a relationship though sadly, oh well, for her A levels, I just wait it out and just strive to work hard I guess, in wooing her. haha, must do my best again.

With somewhat a lighten but heavy heart, I lighten cause I let her know how I felt about her already, but heavy cause I was disappointed in some sense, I left for home. Instead I didn’t go home straight, I went over to arcade and found kang sheng, we relax a bit, before I left home, must let some stuffs out by playing some games, else I worry I may breakdown again lol.

I am not perfect, but if u read this, I just want you to know that, I am here for you, and, I love you.


Signing off

gtsfrost blogged at Wednesday, September 26, 2007

The Frozen Life
Feb 7
My Life

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  • Wyman

  • Drifters
  • Soon Jie / TDF
  • Wei Jie / NPRCC
  • Van / NPRCC
  • Kar Seng / SPRCD

  • Frozen Scratch

    Yesterday's Light
    if we held
    gaming again? or just temp?
    some nice drift video
    then again~

    why am i feeling down again
    Drifting at Serangoon

    Ancient Scrolls
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  • Thanks to:
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  • for the fate/stay night background
    And those who have come and seen my blog