Monday, October 29, 2007 - Celica New Shell? lots of stuffs happen :

now at canteen 4 with my friends while blogging this. kinda been sometime since i blog since i been bz with my sch work, drifting and also other stuffs. haha.

firstly would like to say that i currently experiencing money crisis. ok not really but is cause i need to save up for my car parts, from ball diff, shell, to a special yokomo front drive shaft (hard) that has the design of an X-ray buggy.

just repaired my solid axle and stuffs, changed to rear springs etc

ok a mental note

jj - 10
ben - 5
billy - 30
sj - 6

well those are the money i owe though now i got like 60 i can return but well not for the moment as due to be cause of the fact that i need to basicalyl fix my car parts and get new shell

ppl complaining that my 350z very chui haha. so get celica, start designing and purpling it.

nth much with my love life lately, still no chance dun wanna disturb her for her A levels, i feel bad when i think of her, i feel the pain of my heart not being there, and only i can be healed, yet again with my world of drifting. lol. so far millison is the only girl that i show her my world, with her eyes. oh well =X

continuning on my teacher is getting me to fly a lama helicopter. not much practise i had due to other constrains but hopefully i can fly good enuffs. anyway its the sch lama not mine =X

hmm like now got new ERP system at bukit timah road. fuck it, darn ERP. i dont drive though so no worries. BUT FUCK ERP AT BT ROAD. hate to see it. lol.

wonder if i can survive in SG?

many things to worry, since i am going to be an adult soon, from work, to paying off my bills, and supporting family, like i aint ready yet. time really flies, one turn of an eye and i am going to be 20 soon

oh ya, FUCK NAPFA. stupid arsehole etc. hate it, i aint as fit as last time, may be if i train since then till now it be easy for me but.. oh well i sux at SBJ

hmm celica wise, some hints i am going to do, purple shell, interal decals of belldandy, and other stuffs make it bling bling like a D1 shell, haha too bad celica no D1 or else ibuy already haha.

current goals - 50 for ball diff
35 - hard drive shaft
28 - shell

haven included the paints and the cost of the decals. ard 20bucks i think i will be able to complete my shell haha.

ddacp, did on friday, lagged and hang, and lol. weird. oh well.

nth much to do now, so just post it up already. haha

gtsfrost blogged at Monday, October 29, 2007

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