Saturday, February 16, 2008 - L changed the world :

watashi L ..

ok lame

but just finish watching the movie. excellent one i suppose, cause it didnt depicts what i predicted.

though it was interesting with what they did to a boeing 747 haha.


spend today timing basically morning going to yh hse to study SDC. manage to really understand finally " after such a long time " on what the fuck is really going on in SDC. so, now is practise and more practise.

next took 61, then smrt to bugis, and 80. i feel stupid cause 80 and 61 pass by lavender, but i drop off 61 at funan there to go take mrt to go to bugis. then from bugis 80 to haiyuan hse

when reach, as usual haiyuan is gaming. heard from him he finished studying for SDC. haha good for him i still need more. APS also. lol. ASAS2 later on the settle cause studied for it on mon to wed while fixing my ta05 and yokomo. hehe.

then later on ard 6 met taruko at paya lebar mrt. wanted to go dover meet to collect springs but end up never. drop at jurong east, took 160 home.

again this thing happen


IF I NEVER DO THAT I WAIT TILL FUCK then the driver comes.


then we saw L change the world showing today, though actual date is shld be 21 but heck watch it now haha! pwnage movie

ok after the movie, went walking ard in the desolated plaza sing. then reminds me of I AM LEGEND, or just basically left me and my friend alone there. took random pics and video, claiming that i am one of the last mankind ard =X

i meant, it be scary if that really happens. though i always think of that all the time. continuing on we went over to parkmall that side to take NR3, but no have only got NR7, so we waited. then came one NR7 that just drove pass. FUCKING BUS DRIVER FUCK U NEVER SEE US THERE!!! FUCK U ARE BLIND.

ok enuff ranting, we walk 1 stop, went to take NR6 to boat quay, which i miss a stop cause of phonecall, but manage to walk back, bought ice cream to makan and took NR3.

and again another stupid mistake.

NR7 and NR3 passes somerset mrt station. NR7 passes that before going into boat quay. NR3 comes out from boat quay and passes somerset.

DARN! shld drop at summer set or even walk there " its like so near "


heck it. so next we took NR3 all the way home, about to slp but couldnt, and woke up just in time to drop. struggled back home feeling tired but worth the trip and cash

the movie is really good

some spoilers:

L last 23 days before he caught kira.
there is a guy call F
a girl call K
NEAR was born in the movie at the ending
B747 was used and thrust reversers max =X
Watari died
there is this van that is uber high tech, pink in colour. very COOL!

still L is the same

there is something to do with a virus that kills the whole world but the antidote is MK aka medkine

virus is a mix of influenza and some eploe thingy
bad guys got 5 parts

L burn the death notes and they burn blue

the small girl father died by sucide
small girl got saved she didnt died though even she got the jab of the virus
Near got the antibodies in his body so he didnt get sick
L didnt get infected cause he will die 2 days later as stated in the deathnote

very interesting stuffs above, not in order, so u all go guess hehe.

if u dun wanna see spoiler read till here.


alright, hopefully i am feeling much better now, thks to ice cream, darn i feel i must exercise like siao liao
CNY hais. lol.

go run run. -_-

man i cant wait for exams to be over so i can start working and getting good stuffs for my cars, spend money wisely, support myself and really see how boring my job is next time.

for valentines, meanwhile, no dates no nth. just spending my time mugging and mugging, wondering where or what shld i do next hehe.

anyway to kaixin mei: lala i spoil abit le

to evelyn mei: happy birthday

gtsfrost blogged at Saturday, February 16, 2008

The Frozen Life
Feb 7
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  • Frozen Scratch

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    Valentine's Day
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    Car tuned partly, ESC need fixing, etc.
    fuck. sch napfa corrupted.i did 44 sit ups.then th...
    ok seriously i am interested in u, i like u, but i...
    i really like u ok?

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