Thursday, February 14, 2008 - Valentine's Day :

Yet another usual morning in sch, had my normal breakfast, and obviously with beancurd after that.

today's valentines, but i aint no date, cause maybe i am spending it single. at first asked her but, she's kinda working so, oh well there's no choice anyway.

valentine's day for my 20th time, cause i am already 20 years old.

nth much to really say except later on there be a test on ASAS2, that is on chapter 2 and 3

some updates would be
yokomo is up, just need tweaking to steering system
ta05 is also up, need tweaking to steering system and tuning of car overall, getting of sorex etc

well both cars are already rebuilt, and ta05, the condition is not really as good as it seems. got some thread that are worn out, so may get metal replacment parts instead, if i got the cash -_-

now need to find work soon after my 3 papers next week, then after that, it be really working hard! for my cars parts =X

if i got a gf, she be jealous of my cars -_-

if i got.

wondering who will ask me out later, oh well, if got it be good but, i may not have the cash to really spend on her.

was thinking if this coming friday should pei my godsister to her bdae celebration?

her bf with her lar so i dun wanna be a very bright light bulb.

wondering if sat i shld make a trip down to BK also~

gtsfrost blogged at Thursday, February 14, 2008

The Frozen Life
Feb 7
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  • Frozen Scratch

    Yesterday's Light
    for some reason both of my hands are feeling very ...
    billy said there may be a team selection tmlSTRESS...
    Car tuned partly, ESC need fixing, etc.
    fuck. sch napfa corrupted.i did 44 sit ups.then th...
    ok seriously i am interested in u, i like u, but i...
    i really like u ok?
    why cant i just like not love someone?why always m...
    denial denial denial of my own feelingsi must deny...

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