Saturday, January 13, 2007 - Path of reflection :

Path of Reflection

This document that I am writing is based on what I read off the bus off some NTU student humanities work. It though may not be the exact words that I read but hopefully that I can share these with you people. Some of them are also my personal thoughts and comments that I had in my mind going on.

Think about yourself being in a clique, a group or friends, family or classmates, whatever that you call yourselves when you are in a group. Things that you have done may seem alright or good enough to your friends or people that you know around you. But have you ever wondered what would someone else think when they see the things you do? Sometimes to someone who does not know you, like an outsider for example, may think that what you and your friends are doing is ridiculous. Thus in the progress, he or she, the outsider, gets irritated at you and your friends odd behaviour, which you think that it is alright within your clique. As for you and your friends, you would think that the outsider is ignorant and being a bit too much of a pain when he or she does not understand your actions. But have you ever wonder you could get the outsider to understand? What if that person want to know your group better, but there are no chances given to him to understand at all. Or why not just let that person know, to be a little more mindful in what he thinks, as he may have pass off rude remarks to you all, without him understanding himself?

What is Path?

Path in hiking, often synonymous with a trail, although trail generally implies longer distances, unsurfaced ground, and natural terrain, whereas a path, particularly in an urban setting, can be much shorter, have a paved surface, and meander through landscaped areas.

What is our path in life?

Basically the path in life are the routes you take when you grow up slowly from young, from simple things as what to do each day, to major things like getting a girlfriend, choosing your right school or even where to live in the future. Paths are routes in part and parcel of life which we have to choose to take. Taking the right way, the long way, the short way, it is all up to your own decision to choose the path that you want to take.

What is Reflection?

Human self-reflection is the capacity of humans to exercise introspection and the willingness to learn more about our fundamental nature, purpose and essence. The earliest historical records demonstrate the great interest which humanity has had in itself. Human self-reflection invariably leads to inquiry into the human condition and the essence of humankind as a whole.
What is your reflection?

Each day when the night arrives and it is time for you to sleep, some people just doze off without thinking on what they have done each day. Sometimes, it has become an automatic process for us humans to do the things we do everyday, waking up in bed, preparing for school or work, travel to school or work, doing the things that we are needed to accomplish, and along the way the little things we do in life, for example; teasing friends, helping people around, make fun of people, etc. But do we ever do reflect on what we have done, from the smallest things to the biggest things? Reflection on every tasks or duties we had did would be very much a trouble to all of us, but it is important to reflect on the things that you did which you feel are important or have resulted a change in your life. For example, you saw this old lady drop her stuffs, but you did not go over to help. Reflecting on that will be reflecting on your own actions, if what you felt that you have done right, or wrong. No doubt there is no right or wrong, is humans who determine who is in the right or who is in the wrong in the end. It is your conscious that tells you what are you doing is justified as right.

Reflection is not as easy as it seems. Sometime it may seem that you felt that what you have done was right, or what you have done was alright with some people around you. But after having considering of putting those strangers, outsiders, in their shoes, what would you have thought if you had seen some people doing some ridiculous actions? How would you feel about them? Reflect on the actions you have done that led to other people’s misunderstanding, and hopefully things will turn out to be right in the end.

Path of Reflection

We will have to reflect on each and every other things we do each day, given ourselves as humans we always make errors and mistakes in our lives. We are not perfect, we are not excellent. To make a mistake, and learn from a mistake that you have made and correcting it for the better, that would be a good reflection. But even after a reflection on what you have done, and you keep repeating the mistake in the end, its never considered a reflection, but just you being a plain ignorant person.

Hopefully what I have said may help some people around, and I am not pointing fingers to anyone. It is just something I would like to share, to help people.

gtsfrost blogged at Saturday, January 13, 2007

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