Saturday, September 29, 2007 - SP rocks :

well today went to SP to train track, basically there got the xiao hua xiao cao, then went to find ruko in SP. lol. we went ard to the BBALL court, before he left. me and van was left there ard at 3 plus while i call karseng, realising that they got training later.

the sun was so darn hot that it overheated my tamiya plugs and nearly screw up my ESC and my motor, but heng didnt drift long let my car cool more first. well played till batt was dead and went to KFC with van to charge batt and have a light bite.

during then, i saw my ex gf, ok now my mei, she came over and say hi before leaving for lesson, then later i msg her if she wanna see me drift after that but sadly she has to leave for home. my sister later also came by and went off lol. kar seng saw us at kfc but he went over to join them.

batt charged, went over and saw lester with his yokomo kit problem etc lol. SP drifters, lots of pro kits and pro players around. oh well, didnt much, went over to drift = shiok

the floor made my pvc so nice, clean, except lots of leafs, we need to do sweeping tml. and also stuffs like hmm, i manage to go long drift with full throttle and thus etc etc. when like my batt start to die, i pass the batt to van to do recycle discharge and charge for later on, since its like 1am now, competition.

i went back to ngee ann for astro, while i called her. haha, didnt know she was busy doign something so she called me later. when she called me, ok, blah we talk about her stress etc, and i giving her advices how to study well. oh well she ask me got anything to say anot cause she wont be switching her hp on for 1 mth so, then i wanted to say that i will miss her but, ah i think >< msg better? lol, anyway meeting her to collect some pic and maybe accompanying her to the dentist, etc. >< so will see her again hopefully. wanna suprise her with something, well, hope she will do and SCORE well in her A levels. oh btw i got tendency to say O levels instead of A levels so its like lame ~ -_-

we talk a while, then when i was like i say i got a feeling my hp will die off, and then later on i will msg u, my HP really died, and i was like WTF!!! omg!!! then its like i wanna go and, call her desperately, feeling lost first time after my HP died on me. how much i wanted to say i miss her so ><.

ok then during astro, i set up the C5, using a wrong weight. si melvina!!! tell me wrong stuffs! lol and stuffs like we learn about teh summer triangle, by vega, alstair, and lastly deneb. and also future stuffs to be seen.

ah i told her i will show her lots of stuffs, but >< she ask me what can i show her i was like stunned. ><. i know i seen lots of stuffs! hais, memory please all come back, i want to be with her, always, till the day i die and leave this world.


ok back to slping soon. tired and tml competition need wake up. lol set alarm time.

gtsfrost blogged at Saturday, September 29, 2007

The Frozen Life
Feb 7
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  • Frozen Scratch

    Yesterday's Light
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    My Confession
    if we held
    gaming again? or just temp?
    some nice drift video
    then again~

    why am i feeling down again

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