Monday, November 26, 2007 - back from camp :

now currently at lesson but wanna type stuffs regarding about my camp that i went to just like on friday

ok basically friday manage to carry my heavy stuffs, drift abit at astro room before going over down to blk 18 to put our stuffs there. took some time, then later carry scopes etc, meet up with the rest, do our ppt nicely and go present.

but sad thing is that the ppt that we presenting are too chim for those MJC students. zzz. miscommunications again but yet nvm. continuing during the presentation results in blurness seen from people faces, ok they dont understand the big bang theory thats why. lol. and next would be the dinner and night ob. went out to eat i think, yea, cant remember le ahaha, and went to ob. was suppose to man the big telescope but melvin took over so i took a nap but end up slping till 6am in the morning when i woke up.

went to take a shower, got back to room, and just hang around only. well manage to watch some anime before going to meet my friend for drifting while the rest go play games. lol. i am so slack =D. desmond was soldering his light kit circuit board while i was like drifting on the road. hard sia. and i was worrying about my lipo! lol. the whole day i worry about my lipo. dinner went out to eat again, and yea, got durian ice kachang. =D

went back, blk 73A lecture hall set aircon to 10 degrees and blow fan. si bei shiok lar. haha. manage to freeze myself up a bit. next continuing on with their skid then research for presentation while i chiong anime =D

sun morning woke up, find ppl go eat breakfast, and have beancurd. rocks sia. along with us was mainly the logs, me dennis yuanyuan kenneth yuanyuan friend and sheryln i think, david was unable to come due to the fact that he need to wait for others.

bought stuffs back for david to eat, listen to their presentation and grade them, pack up, and leave, uber tired and sleepy. reach home intime before it rain, and i realised i never showered for ard 36 hrs so.


go home chiong shower, check out lipo, and before long i go and watch more anime before going to slp =D

the camp was fun, though there is a number of screw up like miscommunication and no aircon due to estate fault. wonder if i shld go for ANE camp cause i may have my drift chalet also. lol

boring life, nth to do, just have to study harder for the upcoming common test.

gtsfrost blogged at Monday, November 26, 2007

The Frozen Life
Feb 7
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    Yesterday's Light
    i still like her, do i?
    DDACP Tutorial 1 OVER!
    bzbz bz
    Tool purpose
    a bit self demoralised now, but looking forward to...
    why soccer is not meant for some people
    Celica New Shell? lots of stuffs happen
    conflicts, theories, and more
    thanks everyone, but the pain is still there
    may this world of mine, come to an end soon

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