Monday, February 18, 2008 - SDC down, for heaven's sake its finally over :

For heaven's sake, SDC is finally over. kinda mugged a lot for it but overall hopefully i can score ok ok for the exam that just finished in ard 20 mins ago.

continuing on, lots of my friends where there when i left at ard 1040hrs.

oh well, now stuck at sch lib waiting for cherlyn sms, and darn i am hungry, but oh well, need to save up 10 bucks for my radials from qks haha. 10 bucks for 4, not bad a deal.

continuing next day would be APS paper. just need memorise all the facts, know why they are so, and get the calculations right. mainly it be the calculations on the engine, as usual, from T1 to T6,

T1 being the temp at inlet, then compressor, combustion chamber, turbine, jet and nozzle, haha.

thats what are the main components i supposed.

later have to mug APS till tml 1.40pm. well, hopefully it be not as hard as SDC T.T

last paper is on thurs, which is ASAS2. mugged for it already for the test that i had on last thurs, but i dont think its sufficient enough. man, mugging is sure hard, feeling glad that i didnt enter JC, haha.

after all these, have to find a job asap, well, earn cash and get my cars up!

first would be obviously a tx upgrade, either a 3pk or helios, need to get my 2 cars running asap. helios or 3pk, that will not really mind, though for some reason i find helios more bulky to carry, while 3pk bulky to hold in the hand when usage, but heck it get it as soon as possible.

after which, batteries would have to come in, and also obviously a good psu. stuffs i wanna get may be also a better ESC system, with a compatible motor for my ta05, and hop it up to more alu parts and TRF if possible. need a lot of cash, least 1k. haha.

hmm.. wondered where yh go, wanna ask him on aps, i guess he left for home anyway.

now scanning my com for any suspicious articles inside. lol, my laptop became a rubbish

alright cherlyn just msg, telling me if i want i just go home. ok wtf. i already in sch lib -_-

oh well, sometime i thinks it better to study in sch that so i cant be distracted by the TV and my own home com. hehe.

all well to all who read this blog

"though i feel i hate ppl ard me"

gtsfrost blogged at Monday, February 18, 2008

The Frozen Life
Feb 7
My Life

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  • Wyman

  • Drifters
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  • Wei Jie / NPRCC
  • Van / NPRCC
  • Kar Seng / SPRCD

  • Frozen Scratch

    Yesterday's Light
    L changed the world
    expensive lunch and even more expensive dinner
    Valentine's Day
    for some reason both of my hands are feeling very ...
    billy said there may be a team selection tmlSTRESS...
    Car tuned partly, ESC need fixing, etc.
    fuck. sch napfa corrupted.i did 44 sit ups.then th...
    ok seriously i am interested in u, i like u, but i...

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  • for the fate/stay night background
    And those who have come and seen my blog