Saturday, May 17, 2008 - :

Instructions: Remove 1 question from below, and add in your personal question. Make it a total of 20 questions, then tag 8 people in your list.list them out at the end of this post.Notify them in their chat box that he/she has been tagged.Whoever does the tag will have blessings from all.

1. At what age do you wish to marry?

27, but must see situation

2. What do you want the most now?

i guess a car, well need license also what.

3. Who is the person you trust most?

guess is khai

4. List any 3 things about the person who tagged you.

Horny guy, chui kia, and full of jokes

5. If you can have 1 dream to come true, what would it be?

me her tgt, happily till the day the world end.

6. Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after the rain?

if there is sunlight ya.

7. What are you afraid to lose the most now?


8. Do you believe in eternity love?

nth is eternal. not even the sun or stars. everything goes thru a cycle

9. If you meet someone that you love, would you confess to him/her?

lol. till now i fail to do so what you think?

10. What are the requirements that you wish from your the other half?

nth much, just someone i can know that she be there for me when i needed her, and willing for me to be there for her when she needed me.

else other matters, i guess its just a matter of acceptance, you cant change someone to fit you i guess.

11. Which type of person do you hate the most?

backstabbers, those who pretend to be but in the end is just taking advantage of ppl, those who bully the weak, those who think they are the best and rest is nth, and so on and so for.

12. Do you cherish every single of your friendship?

ultmostly i do, if that person is worth it. not those pretend

13. Who is your first bf/gf play play also counted
andrea - 2 weeks and poof. nah i guess its play play.

14. What do you see in your future?

a few things - android design, new power fuel system, company =D

15. Do you find it a need for you to have a boyfriend /girlfriend?

not a need, but who doesnt want it, esp when on times you are lonely.

16. At this point of time, would you rather stay in your comfort zone or try something new?

try something new, no harm done i guess

17. What kind of friend you hope to be in your friends' eyes?

A friend who they can rely on anytime

18. If you have a chance, which part of your character would you like to change?

everything i guess.

19. What's your weak point ?

lazy, get pissed and angry easily, too random and craze

20. Favorite Hobbies

RC drifting, modelling of gundams, listening to music, drawing, doing stuffs that i just enjoy

8 Lucky People Chosen

Jonathan - exgalado

gtsfrost blogged at Saturday, May 17, 2008

The Frozen Life
Feb 7
My Life

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  • Irene
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  • Lo Khai
  • Collin
  • Kent
  • Exgalado
  • Hackie / Sze Yeong
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  • Jeremy / Lonederer
  • Bryant / Asuna
  • Wyman

  • Drifters
  • Soon Jie / TDF
  • Wei Jie / NPRCC
  • Van / NPRCC
  • Kar Seng / SPRCD

  • Frozen Scratch

    Yesterday's Light
    a must play
    couldnt slp, but just blog abitwhat van said, quit...
    a long emotional post dont bother reading if u don...
    tml's jon bdae, well, plans ahead with sakura buff...
    i been spending too much on coffee lately Zwell le...
    i take back what i my hatred for this worl...
    NS, Uni
    another day, a day shorter in my lifespan

    Ancient Scrolls
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  • Thanks to:
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  • for the fate/stay night background
    And those who have come and seen my blog