Saturday, January 13, 2007 - Project Movie? :

Morning woke up at ard 8 plus.. gave a message to all my project mates.. most of them are still slping =.=

took a bus to orchard dhouby ghaut.. went over to bunk but still closed.. so took the train to kovan. when at there waited for haiyuan then later he go shopping.. lol so rich.. buy stuffs.. go meet my project mates then do project..

lol the teck chuan cousin so cute.. keep kicking haiyuan.. step on my hand.. play ard.. lol.. then do do till tired.. haha..then later all left went to watch movie.. lol.. i duno why i typing so short like skipping a lot of events but.. dun care.. tired..

the movie watch was school of scroundels.. very nice sia.. haha.. really love the movie.. a lot of literature stuffs in it i can think about.. like from a zero to a hero guy.. and the other guy.. was a tragic protangist.. haha... from some teacher.. fell till divorce with his wife... the story shows how someone get to be brave and do the things he think is right for his love. like someone going berserk to protect someone he love. haha...

oh well.. duno what to say much but needa go off soon anyway.. quite late.. haha...

gtsfrost blogged at Saturday, January 13, 2007

The Frozen Life
Feb 7
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