Wednesday, January 24, 2007 - Courage - Something i need to gain power in. :

Though its just a simple question, but it took me weeks to get ready to ask just a very simple question... and with help from my friends, have to thank them for supporting me..

Just maybe, i am just afraid.. got to admit.. sometimes i look like i aint scared of what or like i dun care.. but there are things i am still afraid.. and always be.. of.. stresses me up so much today that i was worrying it MORE than my test or even the presentation that i have given

though there was not a definite answer given, she gave something like discuss over msn or what etc.. i cant clearly remember already.. bad memory.. but what i took it was a chance given to me... though it may seems like, but i got to admit its really hard to ask someone out..

even some simple sentence like having a dinner on valentine? actually i wanna say more, something more.. romantic but.. I DARE NOT TO.. truthfully after saying out my feelings, i feel much better, less bottled up inside. at least she knew.

From things so far seen its running ok, i cant really know what she thinks or feels etc.. bout whats happening.. but well.. i cant give up without even giving my best shot at trying.. hopefully it be a successful valentine. there is a lot i wanna do, things that i never tried, things i regretted i shld have done.. and things to secure something new..

though V day may seem far.. 20 odd days.. they are important to me.. i must make it successful.. something that i wanna WORK hard for it.. something that i wanna achieved with both my mind and heart at it..

I believe i can do it.

Well now meteorz change to zi tian zhu meaning purple sky bamboo.. things are goin well.. xcept my that late friend.. poor her... i also dun wanna say much about it already.. just dunno if i can visit her grave this coming sun.. parents decision final..

heard from my aunt both my cousins are doing well in their relationship.. how do they maintain it? had i always make a mistake somewhere down the path i take? do i have to change the way i see things?

I believe i have met the one for me.

To understand someone, is something i need to learn about.. to learn to compromise and not be the one who wanna wins all the time. i wanna be contented with what i have, i wanna to have the courage, to be a lion.

I believe i can be one.

well.. think its ALL THE BEST FOR ME ALREADY SINCE I HAVE ASKED HER... must make it the most successful valentine ever that i did so far.. ( so next year one will be even better ) haha.

gtsfrost blogged at Wednesday, January 24, 2007

The Frozen Life
Feb 7
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