Tuesday, January 30, 2007 - It was a cool cool day :

just woke up only from ytd night of WOW in ST lol, and i love ytd, i cant believe singapore weather was so nice, windy, cooling, and i never even break a sweat.. than in my shoes lol.. if i was wearing slippers it be even better lol..

but its a rare case ytd.. for the wind to be blowing from morning all the way to at night and its still blowing.. love the weather much ytd if only it be everyday like that lol..

now have to do my ppt for the asm of my gearbox.. lol.. later it be ink wasteage then going to sch to pass the stuffs to yihong.. tired sia.. wonder how he so early wakey wakey lol..

its been 4 days since i talk to her.. i wondered if i had already irritated her or what.. i feel.. lost.. wondering whats she doing.. how's she coping and if she stills remember the date for valentine.. if she forgots and i remind her it be like.. later she reject again? or maybe she wanna rejected in the first place but dun wanna say.. or? or what? i dunno...

gtsfrost blogged at Tuesday, January 30, 2007

The Frozen Life
Feb 7
My Life

  • BBG
  • WOW
  • Ngee Ann
  • Nanyang Technological University
  • PSP
  • Private Studio
  • My profile
  • ASF
  • MapleSea
  • CabalSea
  • SGDrifters

  • Friends

  • Irene
  • Serene
  • Grace
  • Kaixin
  • HuiBing
  • Michelle
  • Clarissa
  • Spart
  • xiaojie / Yun Jie
  • vera
  • Janet
  • Samantha
  • Millison
  • Erica
  • ShuLing
  • Lynda
  • Colleen
  • TingTing

  • Lo Khai
  • Collin
  • Kent
  • Exgalado
  • Hackie / Sze Yeong
  • ashhao
  • Magna
  • Jeremy / Lonederer
  • Bryant / Asuna
  • Wyman

  • Drifters
  • Soon Jie / TDF
  • Wei Jie / NPRCC
  • Van / NPRCC
  • Kar Seng / SPRCD

  • Frozen Scratch

    Yesterday's Light
    Finally i got sick
    Courage - Something i need to gain power in.
    Saddening stuffs
    Project Revamp
    Project Movie?
    Path of reflection
    Darn this Mission
    Gundam Battle Royal
    Pulau Ubin Trip

    Ancient Scrolls
  • December 2006
  • January 2007
  • February 2007
  • March 2007
  • April 2007
  • May 2007
  • June 2007
  • July 2007
  • August 2007
  • September 2007
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  • October 2009
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  • Thanks to:
  • Photobucket

  • for the fate/stay night background
    And those who have come and seen my blog